Friday, 31 October 2008

Course material turned up!

Course material turned up this morning! So pleased. Struggling not to look at it as I've loads of work on today. Have to say that the red tissue paper was a nice touch :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the colour tip Bruce. Luckily I'd taken them in raw so it was just a matter of tweaking the colour temp. I found the course file a bit daunting at first. Some of the projects only involve a few photos so I've read up to the first assignment and have made a note of the type of photos I need to take. Then I can cover a few projects in one shoot. That's the plan anyway! Hope you're using your OCA notebook and pen!

Bruce Gill said...

Daunting! blimey! It's been a long while since I studied... I'm going to have a good read and then hopefully I'll be a little more comfortable. How long did it take for your Tutor to get in touch?? I think mine wants everything posted so not sure how this blog / Learning Log is going to work out if she's not online?? Speak soon Matt!